Englisch Summery

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here we gonna give you some information about our schooltrip to England and our research about London/Eindhoven and Nehwam and Doornakkers. Eindhoven is a city in Holland, London is the capital from England and Doornakkers is a district of London.
De different between Eindhoven and London are big, London has more inhabitants then Eindhoven. The city London is huger than Eindhoven, London is more famous than Eindhoven.
The district Doornakkers is a deprived area, it’s out the center of Eindhoven and the houses are not really good, they are old and not good maintain, the for gardens are small and dirty.
The district Newham is a district where people from all nationalities live, there are many black people, you can compare Newham and Doornakkers with each other. London is a  other city than Eindhoven you dont can compare it with each other.

Were going with our school to England for a learning trip, we are being there for four days. We have go to London and need to do excersises in the city and in the district Nehwam we need to do intervieuws, and it was really fun. It was a great week.

We hope that you have enough information!

Greetings us